Get in touch

Hello, I’m Carlos!

About Me

I’m a designer-developer hybrid, making icons, interfaces and websites. Currently, I’m working at Itty Bitty Apps, helping build iOS apps and Reveal for Mac — a powerful developer tool for view debugging.

I recently finished my studies at Monash University. I was a part of an exclusive degree that taught entrepreneurship on top of a traditional computer science major. I finished with First-Class Honours.

During my final year of study, I co-founded ZooPhotonics, a research and development group building AI-powered wildlife monitoring technology.


Ada Support, Envato, Bohemian Coding, Art Processors, Calibre, River SRL, 8Fit, Supp, Monash University and many more…


Find me sharing neat internet things on Twitter, writing code on GitHub and taking photos of cool places on Instagram.


Listening to a heap of rap and RnB, reading a sci-fi-themed anthology called Visions, watching movies about movies, and trying my best to eat less meat.